Sunday, March 18, 2012


When Glen told me he had to go to Texas to grade the EFMB training for 3 weeks, I wasn't very excited.  I hate him being gone.  On the plus side, it gave Eloise and I an excuse to go to Florida for a long visit.  There's always lots to do when we're there.  
This was at Bryn's class President's day play "By George".  It was only the second day we were there but when Eloise saw Bryn she ran up to her like she sees her everyday.  It made Bryn (and me) every happy!
 Happy girls with their Mema! 

Only at Mema's does she get a chocolate pop for breakfast!
Alli is the only cousin in Macclenny not in school.  We had a lot of fun playing in the mornings. 
 My plan was to go for walks everyday.  The kids always wanted to come so it wasn't the ideal exercise but we had fun anyway!
Before the walk was over Eloise wanted to push the stroller.  Alli was more than happy to ride.
I took Bryn and Alli to get pedicures! 
  It was Alli's first time.  They were so cute!
Always the little helper, Eloise wanted to feed the fish with Bryn.
She had a blast at Aunt Staci's!  She loves to swing!
"Riding" the tricycle.
Eloise had fun playing games and coloring at Aunt Lucretia's.
She loves stickers!

We got to celebrate Lucretia's birthday!  We miss so many of  them!

While I was there I got to visit with some great friends I don't get to see near enough.  Melissa Cranford and Olivia came over for a fun play date.
 Aren't they cute together?
I just love this picture of Chapman and Eloise.  So, so sweet!
 But nothing's sweeter than when Daddy came home!


  1. That is a sweet pic of Glen and Eloise...LOVED the blog funny about Alli and Chapman!

    1. Thanks Myriam! You never know what will come out of Alli's mouth. She is so funny!!

  2. I didn't see these til tonight. You need to let me know when you are posting. I didn't see 4 of them! Loved them all.

    1. Sorry Mom! I will let you know next time!


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About Me

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I am a wife to Glen and a mother to Eloise. There's nothing better than spending time with them.