Sunday, July 1, 2012

Father's Day/Glen's Birthday

Either it's poor Glen or lucky Glen.  His birthday is right there with Father's Day.  Last year Father's Day was on his Birthday.  This year his birthday was two days later. 
On Father's Day we gave him his present - The Pinkerton Diaries.   He had wanted it for a while.  I was really excited we got it for him.  Eloise seemed to know it was a special day for Daddy because she was extra sweet to him.  They had a little cuddle time and she was so very excited to give him his present.  

To separate the days we decided to have birthday cake on his birthday (even though he had to work).  Glen requested a coconut cake.  I'm not very adventurous in the kitchen but I did my best.  I made a four layer white cake and mixed coconut in the batter then covered the iced cake in coconut as well.  It turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.  
Eloise got to stay up a bit past her bed time so she could help Daddy blow out his candles.  It started out nice...
 then it all went up in flames!
When I put the candles on the cake I thought maybe I put the candles too close to the banner.  I was right.  It caught fire as Glen went to blow the candles out.  To add to the chaos the candles I got turned out to be trick candles.  It was crazy!  Glen was trying his hardest to blow out the fire, Eloise was having a mini panic attack and with every blow coconut went flying off the cake.  Thankfully we got the fire out before anything but the banner and a bit of the icing were burned.  Memories!
My parents used Glen's birthday as an excuse to come visit.  It was a quick trip but we were so happy to see them!  Eloise was so happy to see Pepa and Mema.  She wouldn't leave Dad alone.  It was so sweet.  She would cuddle up next to him and he would pat her leg and put his hand next to her on the couch.  That wasn't good enough for her she pulled his had back on her lap.  I love seeing her with her grandparents!
(I know this picture is blurry but you can see how happy they both are to be together.)
It was nice for Glen and I to have time to celebrate his birthday - just the two of us.  It was a fun and a bit crazy birthday/Father's Day  week for us.  We sure love Glen and were so happy to celebrate him!

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I am a wife to Glen and a mother to Eloise. There's nothing better than spending time with them.