Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Glen's Graduation!

Glen graduated from the Army's Practical Nursing Course today!  Happy Day! Doesn't he look sharp in his ASU?  He's practically a nurse!!!!

Glen has been busy, busy, busy this past year.  A little over a year ago he signed up for the Army's Practical Nursing Course.  He spent  a couple months in San Antonio, TX last summer to begin the course.  Because it was only two months the Army wouldn't send me with him so I went home to Macclenny.  I can't imagine a deployment. It was so good to be with my family but those 2 months were so hard on me.  I was pregnant at the time so that didn't help things.  

(Eloise was so good except when everyone clapped.  She cried it scared her so bad!)
 (This was the only decent picture with me in it.)

After San Antonio he was sent to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, DC to finish out the course.  Moving when you're 30+ weeks pregnant is an adventure!  I flew out to TX and rode back to Florida with him and about two days later we drove up to DC.  I've never seen my ankles so swollen in my life!  Since being here Glen has worked and studied so hard.  He passed all his tests and only had his hand slapped by one patients.  (I'm kidding!)  There were days where we only got to see him a couple hours at night.  Now it's over!!  We are looking forward to a vacation.  Beach anyone?!  

 His graduation ceremony was a lot of fun.  The Fife and Drum Corp was there all decked out in their revolutionary uniforms and  played at the beginning and end.  (I didn't get a very good picture of them but check out that red hair! WOW!)  Oh did I mention they had cake at the end!


  1. What a great day! Love your summary of your time in DC. Really proud of Glen! I knew you would do really well.

  2. Oh, yes, Glen is so handsome all decked out in his dress blues. Love it.


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I am a wife to Glen and a mother to Eloise. There's nothing better than spending time with them.