A couple weeks ago Eloise and I got to hitch a ride with my parents to visit the Olsen family. We weren't the only tag a longs, Bryn talked her way into the trip too! Before we left Columbus, Bryn had to get in the pool. She didn't bring a bathing suit so we just told her to jump in with her clothes on!
She had a blast!
Eloise had to get in too!
Eloise was set to go on the way up. She never really liked a sassy till recently. She doesn't even suck on it just holds it in her mouth. She kept stealing Davis' passes while we were there!
I was so excited to see sweet Davis. We last saw him at Christmas when he was one month old.
Like all babies he has changed so much! He's such a big boy!
While we were there Myriam took us to a few places around Memphis. We went to see the old trains in Collierville.
Here we all are on the caboose!
Gary came and met us for lunch. We ate at a sweet little restaurant that had miniature trains going along the ceiling. The grilled ham and cheese was really good too!
We planned on going to the zoo later that day but the weather got so bad we decided to make Easter sugar cookies instead.
The girls had fun mixing the colors for the icing.
Eloise enjoyed cutting out shapes. Then she tasted the dough and that's all she wanted to do.
Every time I looked at her she was stuffing more in her mouth!
Even Davis got to make some cookies!
Bryn was proud of her cookies! She worked hard too, look at the flour on her face!
In the mornings the girls had fun playing with Davis and his toys.
I love Eloise's face in this picture. It's blurry but you can almost see her moving her head from side to side. |
We went to the Peabody Hotel to see the ducks retire for the night. We got there just in time to see the elevator doors close behind them. Oh well we rode the trolley instead.
We also had fun going to the park and just hanging out at the house. We did tour Graceland too - I'll blog about that on it's own. It was an amazing trip. Myriam and Gary are the best for putting up with us for a week. It was sad to leave.
We miss you!