Sunday, November 27, 2011

Eloise - 1 year

Eloise is ONE YEAR old!  What an amazing year it's been.  To see all this little girl has learned in just one year is amazing!  We have all grown and learned so much.  Here are some some of the things she's been up to this past month.
She copies everything we do.  She takes my bottle of moose, touches the top and rubs her hair.  When she gets a q-tip she puts it to her ear.  (Thankfully she doesn't put it IN her ear.)  She leads the music with the chorister at church.  When I cough or laugh she has to cough and laugh too.
  She knows where her hair is.  When I ask where it is, she first shows me where my hair is then she touches hers.

Eloise is my big helper.  She turns the lights on and off.  When we leave a room she closes the door for me.  She helps load and unload the dishwasher.  She's especially good with the utensils.  She closes the washer and dryer doors and pushes the buttons to start them.

She prefers to brush her own teeth.  

Eloise loves bubble baths, HATES apple sauce and sleeps with her pillow over her face.  She loves to play chase and share gogerts with her Daddy. 

She's discovered her eyelashes.  It makes me so nervous to watch her mess with them.  It looks like she going to pull them out!
She blows kisses.

She loves babies!  Even if they're pretty much her size she gushes over them.  She'll kinda squat down to them with her hands on her knees and start talking in a higher pitch than normal.  She talks that way to babies in books, even her own reflection. 
She gets SO excited when we come home.  She squeals and bounces as we get to the door.  Our ritual is to say "Here's our red door."  I point out the numbers to our apartment, which are conveniently 0123.  She really gets excited when she gets to touch the numbers.  She likes to help unlock the door too.
  After I comb her hair she has to comb mine.  I must say she's an excellent hair dresser!

She is terrified of the vacuum cleaner.  She runs to another room when I get it out with a look of horror on her little face.  If Glen's not home to hold her I have to while I vacuum.  Sadly, the elefun ball popper she got for her birthday sounds like the vacuum.  She hates it.  She even side steps around it if she has to walk by it.
Eloise folds her arms when we pray.  We've never made her do it before she's just picked it up from seeing it done.  She folds her arms when we sit down to eat, when we say our prayers at night and during prayers at church.  Sometimes she babels a little too.  She doesn't last the whole prayer but it's still so very cute!
She is always on the go.  She can't sit still for very long before she's off to something new.  Since we're still nursing I get plenty of cuddle time with her.  Glen would like more.  When Glen's on the floor playing his games ever so often she'll come and sit in his lap.  It doesn't last as long as he'd like but it's very sweet while it lasts.
Eloise got a pop up tent for her birthday.  She loves it!  As with her little tunnel she likes to bring all kinds of things into the tent.  Shoes, clothes, books, a few toys.  She also likes to stick her head out one of the openings and walk around.  It's so funny!  Of course she doesn't get very far before falling over.  I've tried to video it but I'm never fast enough.
  She is such a fun kid!  Sometimes I look at her and am amazed she came from me.  If this year is any indication of what's to come, it's going to be a great life because she's in our family. 

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I am a wife to Glen and a mother to Eloise. There's nothing better than spending time with them.