On November 4, 2011 Myriam and Gary welcomed Davis Thomas Olsen to their family! He weighed in at 8lbs and 14oz and was 22.5 inches long! He's so tall he's off the charts! Isn't he just perfect?
Eloise and I (and Alli) hitch a ride with my parents to welcome this little guy into the world. It was a fun little adventure traveling with a 3 year old and 11 month old.
Alli was the PERFECT child in the car. She just watched cartoons and colored. You'd hardly known she was there but for her asking for something to eat and drink every now and then.
This one not so much. Six hours is a long time to be strapped in a car seat. You'd never know she's endured much longer a trip before. We made it though! We got to Tennessee the night before Myriam was to be induced. She had to be there at 4 am - this boy didn't come till after 8 pm. It was a long wait for sweet Alli. Mom and Dad left for the hospital around noon so the girls and I had time to kill.
The hearth was their stage. They were cheesing it up!
Myriam and Gary have two big beautiful maple trees in there front yard. They were all red and yellow. When the wind blew it rained leaves. Perfect to play in.
This was my attempt to get a picture of Alli throwing leaves in the air. All I could get was Alli holding the leaves.
And the leaves already on the ground.
Gathering leaves.
They couldn't stand to stay still for a picture!
Alli picked up this stick and said "I am woman!" I have no idea where that came from. It was her "sword" till we left. She was cracking me up.
Getting those leaves!
Of course she had to taste them.
After naps they had fun with Davis' huge teddy bear. He got lots of love from these two.
Then he FINALLY came!
Then he FINALLY came!
The girls were in love.
Eloise giving him kisses.
Davis and Aunt Anna. (His favorite aunt.)
We went to visit him the next day too.
Alli is such a big girl holding him all by herself!
Woo had to get a better look at him today. Notice how their hands are far too close to the same size!
Checking out his hands
and his mouth.
A present for Davis!
Myriam, Gary and Davis were coming home the next day so we decided to make them chocolate covered goodies. Strawberries, marshmallows and peanut butter ritz crackers (Myriam's favorite).
Eloise "helping."
Alli did a really good job.
Welcome home!
Welcome home!
He looks so tiny in his car seat!

Look at that boy holding his head up so well just days after he was born. Slow down man!
Look at that boy holding his head up so well just days after he was born. Slow down man!
We went to the park while we were there. Eloise made herself in charge of the bread for the ducks.
She wouldn't let them go
Alli was all over the place!
Don't let that slide beat you!
Eloise wasn't interest in feeding the geese. She just sat in the middle of them and munched on the bread herself. Sweet Alli was too scared to get too close to them. I don't blame her. I got hissed at a couple times.
She was loving that bread!
We couldn't stay away from Davis very long.
Davis is such a sweet baby. He rarely cried. (While we were there at least.)
Myriam hates this face. She's already worried about the wrinkles on his forehead! (Yes, she's crazy.)
He's such a beautiful boy!
The girls went out and "helped" Gary rake the leaves.
Alli loved being in the middle of the piles.
Eloise not so much.
This was such a sweet moment. Eloise loves this boy so much!
They are so in love.
This happened just about every morning. Eloise was like a little bird begging cereal off anyone with a bowl!
We made "goodbye" cupcakes the day before we left.
We made "goodbye" cupcakes the day before we left.
It was sad to leave. We all fell so in love with that sweet baby. I can't wait till Christmas to see him again. And his parents too of course!
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