Saturday, December 31, 2011


All the Heath kids were in town for Christmas this year!  It had been over a year since I'd seen Matt and Aubrey.  We finally met Alivia and Matt and Aubrey met Eloise.  It still blows my mind to think it took a year for them to meet her. 
I just love this girl!  If she's anything like Eloise, she won't let me hold her next time I see her.
I was more interested in holding babies than taking pictures so most of them are of Eloise Christmas morning. 

Eloise was a crazy baby to everyone!  Poor Lailan got it the worst.  Any time Lailan would walk by her Eloise would do this weird grunt.  She would give Lailan kisses but grunt the whole time.  It was so funny.  She only let me, Glen, Mom or Dad hold her.  She defiantly needs to be around them more often!
While we were in town we made sugar cookies, built a gingerbread house and had our annual Christmas Eve party at Staci's.  Every year we draw names and make a gift for that person.  Glen drew my name and gave me a huge frame full of pictures of our little family.  I loved it!  Glen got yummy beef jerky from Marc and Lailan drew Eloise a beautiful picture of a tree of hearts.
We bunked at the Padgett's this Christmas, and I'd have to say I loved it!  Mom and Granny complained they didn't see us very much.  They should have know that would happen putting me in their house.  Once I'm there it's hard to detach myself.
It was nice waking up to the kids all excited that Santa had come.  They had to showing us all their gifts.  If they only knew I helped set them out.  They'll know one day. 
The Padgett's with their Santa gifts.
Being one, Eloise was much more involved this year!  She loved her baby and stroller Santa brought her.  I know you can't really tell from this picture but she really does love it.  She likes to sit in the stroller herself from time to time.
Someone's still tired!
When she found the kisses in her stocking, she didn't really care about anything else.
 She kept ripping into them
and popping them in her mouth!
 Crazy face!
  She is a chocolate junkie!  
She wouldn't even put the kisses down to open her presents.
She ripped into it - kisses and all!
 I'd say she likes it.
Once we got ready for the day we went to my parents for breakfast.  We had our traditional southern breakfast - grits, eggs, biscuits and gravy.    
Here I am with all the babies!  Alivia is almost 6 months and Davis is 6 weeks.  He's such a big boy and she's such a petite girl.

I was sad we weren't able to go to Church.  Glen had to work early Monday morning and if we were going to have time to visit his grandparents we had to leave before it started.  We had a really nice visit with Glen's Grandmother, Dad and stepmother.
Hunter was glad to have a playmate. 
She was worn out on the way home!
It was a great Christmas.


1 comment:

  1. So glad we could see you guys and meet Eloise!!


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I am a wife to Glen and a mother to Eloise. There's nothing better than spending time with them.