Saturday, December 10, 2011

Santa's Jumping!

We have been getting excited for Christmas in the Ramsey home!  Our tree is up, our nativities are out and our stalkings would be hanging (if we knew little hands would leave then alone.)  Those little hands are also keeping presents from being under the tree.  Though Eloise is too young to understand I've been excited for her to meet Santa!  We somehow totally spaced on them meeting last Christmas.
(Thanks for the jacket Aunt Liz - it's been put to good use already this winter!)
We braved the cold (so it was in the low 40s - I know others have it much worse - Aubrey I'm eying you!) to watch Santa light the 250 foot jump tower on Fort Benning!  It was so much fun!  The MCOE band was there playing Christmas carols, I think they were my favorite part.  They were so good - I didn't want them to stop!  You can't really see them but the band is in the picture below just under the tower.   
They opened the 30 foot jump tower for party goers.  We got there too late for me to have a go.  Too bad I was looking forward to it.
Eloise got antsy when we were waiting for Santa and the Silver Wings to parachute in.  At these times she usually does best on her Dad's shoulders.  
Once she was up there she was dancing to the music and the happy baby we know and love.  
 It was dark when they jumped but it looked like they were huge sparklers in the sky.  Eloise even focused on them and watched each one float to the ground.
Once Santa was finally on the ground he made his way over to the switch and lit the jump tower!  There are three towers but they only light one.  I know it's a lot of work but it would be really impressive to see them all with lights.  
The line for Santa was ridiculous!  So we decided to wait to have Woo meet Santa till the Ward Christmas party.  I'm so glad we went!  We will defiantly be going again next year.  I can only imagine how excited a 2 year old Eloise will be then!    

P.S.  Sorry for the grainy pictures.  I forgot our camera and had to use my phone.

1 comment:

  1. Pics are still good. Sounds like a good beginning to family traditions with your new little fam. Wish you could stay longer at Christmas, but are so excited to have you for the few days we get. Love you guys.


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I am a wife to Glen and a mother to Eloise. There's nothing better than spending time with them.